Welcome to "My World"

Welcome to "My World"

Monday, December 20, 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The whole point of my show "Real Talk" is to get people thinking. Get them talking, ShARING IDEAS, OPINIONS

Saturday, July 17, 2010

This is how I want it to look at one of my Grown man shows.
This will be at onee of my concerts with all my adoring fans that appreciate the time and effort it took me to put this show together.
And I want it to look like this when I'm going to my opening screening of Alias-The Phoenix. Walking the Reddish blue Carpet has always been my dream. And I want to do it big as the President.
This is the dream that I've had to paint for the last couple of years, This what I dreamed my comedy concert will look like. Performing to a packed house at Madison Square Garden. And the show goes off exquisitely!

Good Music, Entertaining bits, Funny jokes and Magical moments. Who could ask for anything more.
I would like to bring in the New Year like this for 2012. I gotta print this pic off and cut this guys head out and replace it with mine and replace her with a hotter chick.
This is what my studio will look like in five years when my show "Real Talk" blows up. Performing for an audience of 100,000 at 100$ a ticket.
Another one of my concert series.
this is what I'm going to look like when I run my own concerts.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

This is what my next ex Wife's stomach is gonna look like.
This Puma is Super Bad! Def ex-wife material! I would give he a 9.125 outta 10.

This Coug has a dreamboat body but a shipwrecked Face. Yo can tell she knows her fce is rough so she pays extra attention to her body to make sure it looks as good as it can so peopledon't stare to long at her face.

I feel sorry for these women but you gotta work with what you got. So if you're face isn't that pretty work on your body at least. Don't have a fat slobberish body and an ugly face!!! That's 2 strikes! If you got an ugly face and a slobberish (I made that word up all by myself) body and a shi**y attitude you'll never get laid. So... much respect to this Coug for at leat keepin it Gangsta in the Gym.

HOTMOM CONTEST candidates 2010!!!

"Hot Mom Contest" I decided that I will start holding an annual HOTMOM Contest soon as I write my proposal to Obama! This is what it will look something like.
HOTMOMS will compete just like the Miss America Pageant. But they will have to include info on how many kids they have, what ages the children are and how many divorces they have on their rap sheet.
This will all go into consideration. Say they are a hot 42 yr old that has 7 kids and 2 divorces and still is good looking, they will be given higher score than a 32 yr old with one kid and only 1 divorce. Does this make sense???
They will still have a Talent section and General knowledge Questionnaire to show that they have not just got by on life by being a Trophy Wife.
But I will be like the Black Donald Trump of the Ms America Pageant. This is my goal and I am now accepting applications.
The winner will receive 10,000 dollars in Plastic Surgery, A new Pair of Puma's and a Week cruise to the Bahamas! Lord knows you Moms need it!

Now here is a prime example of a "Puma". They say this girl is 30 years old, She is in prime Puma status. Not old enough to be gross or haggardly, but old enough to not be young and annoying when she gets drunk.
Still in pretty good shape after a couple kids and a girl you might even consider wifing up! Good in the light and the dark! That is the main difference that sets Puma's and Cougars apart. So if you don't know now you know ni**a! -Notorious B.I.G

So now here is a perfect example of a "Cougar" A lil older, not in the best shape of her life. But after a couple of drinks like these guys have (Obviously) had they can be pretty fun and entertaining. Even though in the morning you might want to hack your Greg offwith a Swiss Army knife! Either way, it'll be a night you won't soon forget!!!
Thanks to my peeps over at the Dirty.com If you don't know now you know!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I saw this movie with my boys last night and I actually enjoyed it. I wasn't really in the mood for a kiddie show but this movie had enough adult humor to keep me intrigued at least. I actually found myself LOL'ing at a couple spots in the movie. Overall I givbe it an 8.125 outta 10.

Now this right here is a certified PUMA! This girl is a solid 9.125!!! You throw some D's on this chick and she's a legit dimepiece!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Puma's Cougars and Sabre Tooth Tigers

Now Sabre Tooth's are the oldest in the Cougar Clan. These women have been around for decades. These are the 45+ yr old chicks that on a well lit day you'd probably run away for fear that they would swallow your soul whole. But on a dark, drunken night they can come in handy even though after you migt want to slit your own wrists.

Now Cougars are a lil different. When I hear the word Cougar I thnk of Blanche on the Golden Girls.

These are the women that are a Lil older and more experienced than their younger feline cousins the Puma's. There a little more weathered in the face and they aren't in the kinda shape they once were. But on a slow drunken night they come in very handy and can show you some things yu never would've known about messin with a younger chick.

Let's talk about Puma's! These are my Favorite kind of Feline in the Cougar Family, These are the young 30's to early 40's HotMoms that still are in good shape, have nice Upgraded +2's and maybe a divorce or 2 on their Resume's.
So now that you know the 3 types in the Cougar fam go out there and make me proud and stay away from those young girls! You heard what happened to R Kelly right?!

The Inaugural "Hot Mom Award" has to go to My Ex (of course)! She was the one that inspired me to come up with the idea. I think there should be a Govt grant given out every month to Hot Mom's to get whatever Plastic Surgery they want. Happy good lookin Mom's, makes happy husbands, boyfriends and kids. So a better community thanks to HotMoms. I think I'm going to write a proposal to Pres Obama since me and him are boyZ now. D Styles
This Blue Eyed Beauty is Rebekah. Same as my Ex-Wives name. Spelled differently. She was a Legitimate 7.185 outta 10. But when she puts her make up on she's a solid 8. Now if you do like Rich Boy said and "Throw some D's on that Chick" she could be a solid 9.125.

First photo shoot I did and this is still one of the hottest pics I have ever taken! Thank you Rebekah. You were a lil crazy but crazy beautiful too. So I'll take the good and take the bad, you take em both and there you have- A beautiful a** picture. D Styles

This is a photo I would LOVE to recreate. I don't want to be a cheesy Utah photographer. I want to create beautiful artistic pieces of work that people are astounded by and Awe stricken when they see them.

Sounds easy enough don't you think?

Here's a Runway Show I worked a couple months back. I love feelin like a Ghetto Superstar for a couple days while tall beautiful women run around me in skimpy underwear trying to put on their next outfits. I can't believe I actually get paid for this. (and paid pretty well) My only complaint is I wish I could do it more often. Sincerely D Styles
It was a fun group. Who says all models are stuck up D Bags and Baguettes. This crew was a blat! Can't wait to see them this year! D Styles

This is an event I went to with my friend Barb. She is a bonafide Sabre Tooth tiger. She's the oldest Coug I've ever dated at the ripe old age of 52. But like Aaliyah said "Age ain't nothin but a number" She was a fun date and she works for Jet Blue and is going t sign me on to her flight benefits. So you're BOY D Styles can be "pimpin all over the world" like Luda!

So dating older women def has it's pluses fellas. Get with the program and stop going for these young, dumb 20 yr olds that are impressed that you can buy beer! Get with an older Hot Mom that can actually bring something to the table. D Styles

So I know it's been every mans fantasy to be with 2 hot twins. Don't lie guys. So this was the closest I could get to making this Argentinian beauty a twin. But If she were... I might have to Marry both of them and make them both my Ex-Wives. Is that still legal in the State of Utah?

I just photographed this beautiful girl from Argentina. Her name was Carolina. I liked that cuz it rhymed. Carolina from Argentina. Her name just made me want to go to a Latin country ASAP. (Not too mention some other fine qualities about her.)

I guess I've just been around plain ole' white girls for so long I've forgotten what it's like to have some Foreign Strange. Even though she looks like a white girl it was nice to talk to someone w/ an accent. Very Sexy tiiiime. I like.

This girl was a straight 9.1258963 out of 10

Saturday, January 9, 2010